Timor Leste
Timor Leste
KORIS is short for Komunidade Ransu ho Istoria (Community hanging out and telling stories- "Ransu" is the Bahasa Indonesian equivalent of "Nongkrong") and was a name chosen during a Zine workshop in April 2024. KORIS is considered the artistic program of CODIVA (Coalition for Diversity and Action) Foundation, an organisation striving to protect and promote human rights for everyone, specifically focusing on the LGBTIQ+ community in Timor-Leste.
KORIS Koletivu was born out of a need to tell Timorese LGBTIQ+ communities stories in accessible formats and to use as community advocacy. The KORIS Koletivu aims to creatively communicate LGBTIQ+ stories and issues, and the collective is currently producing a monthly Zine, with a video podcast series also in development (www.youtube.com/@fundasauncodiva). KORIS Zine grew as a form of artistic expression of stories from a range of people within the community, with a special focus on "LGBTIQ+ LEGENDS"- older Timorese queer people- who's stories have rarely been told in the national context.
KORIS Koletivu is run by CODIVA staff and friends in the community in the capitol, Dili, with the hopes of continuing to collect stories of LGBTIQ+ people in rural areas and from diverse contexts. KORIS makes art by the LGBTIQ+ community, for everyone!